It’s not about ‘having’ time it’s about ‘making’ time.

make time for your health

It’s not about ‘having’ time it’s about ‘making’ time.

Hi! I’m Vicky, the Sales and Marketing Manager here at Arena Fitness and Boxing and had twin boys in early 2021. Since then, I haven’t “had time” to exercise and focus on my health and wellness.

With my jeans getting tighter, I decided to commit myself to “Make Time.” I quickly signed up to the current 6 weeks Blitz challenge at the gym. Read on if you are keen to find out how my first week went.

Starting the challenge

Starting the week motivated and ready to commit to the goals, the aim was to do three gym sessions throughout the week. I managed to attend both of the group workouts and kept myself active during the weekend by walking and swimming. Fitness trainer Mark made the group workouts more functional and mobility based, which my body certainly needed after sitting at a desk all day!

Following the Meal Plan

The meal plan and prep was my biggest challenge. Trying to cook whilst keeping a eye on q very active 15-month old was difficult (Imagine half way through cooking some chicken and then diving to save a toddler from falling off the couch!). So towards the end of the week I struggled to stick to the meal plan but tried keep it as healthy as possible. I am the biggest chocolate and wine addict, but managed to survive the week without any. Gold star for me! Mark was awesome, and has worked my coffee addiction into my meal plan – wahoo!

Week 1 done and dusted, and I am feeling much better within myself and have more energy already. Bring on the rest of the challenge!

Join me and make time for your health!

*Please note the Arena Fitness BLITZ challenge has been rebranded as our ‘8-Week Body Transformation Challenge.’ Click here to find out more about the challenge.
Stay up-to-date for when our next session starts by following our Facebook page here.

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