Weed out the negative and focus on the positive!

Weed out the negative and focus on the positive!

You cannot change reality, but you can control the manner in which you look at things. Your attitude is under your own control. Weed out the negative and focus on the positive!

– Helen Steiner Rice

As strange as this time may be and as much as I’m over hearing the words “Stay positive” it’s true. Yes it’s a rubbish situation that we have all found ourselves in but from it I’ve already learnt so much…

Walking the streets doesn’t have the same feel, anyone you pass is kindly giving everyone the 2metre clearance if not more…unlike Mr 6 who seems to have no idea of social distancing and tries to walk closer to the oncoming public. Thus creating their sanity walk to be less calming and more stressful, so if you see me and the boys it’s just safer to turn around and walk in the same direction as us so you don’t have to worry about walking past. 🙂

I’ve also had some positive experiences out of this crazy situation. I have learnt how to skateboard… thanks Mr 6. Been given a new appreciation for my amazing cleaner because now I have to do the scrubbing, and have learnt how to use zoom and various other video messaging technologies… I’ve already had happy, crazy video chats with my girlfriends and the tearful emotional ones too where it’s all too hard. Chatting with my mates just down the road and in the same city as me is always fun with our kids trying to overtake the call., but I’ve also had chats with my friends and family that I wouldn’t normally get the time to catch up with because of the time difference.

Getting up and getting showered and dressed helps to start the day helps and if not done immediately makes the day harder for me, especially with having to entertain Mr 6 & 8 on my own while their dad locks himself away in his office for work.

I do find it a struggle some days to do my weight training as I’m way more motivated in a gym environment. There are far too many distractions at home. But focussing on the positive I’ve taken the time to think outside the box for different activities to do at home, using bands, my body weight and the weight of my children. Knowing that my training is having to change I’m also trying to keep an eye on my nutrition and clean it up as isolation goes on. Otherwise I know it’ll be an even harder journey when the gym reopens and I have to work on building back muscle, strength and shrinking my waistline. 🙁

With my crazy busy boys I have found that planning is the key to success with them. Anything we do we create a plan… for a few reasons:

  • Helps them to gather their ideas/thoughts
  • Gives them a process/focus
  • Takes up time J
  • Makes the task last longer.
  • Includes some educational benefits such as literacy.

for example,

go for our walk… Lets plan the route, where will we go… grab a map.

When we did planting… Brainstormed everything we needed and wrote the steps out so we knew what to do…

We even spent some time creating a big poster incase we get bored the kids can choose something from the list…

Planning can even be adapted for the younger ones by getting them to draw a picture and talking you through it label as you go if you need/like.

So use this time to find the positives in your day from this hideous situation.

Let us know have you learnt anything, a new hobby? Something about yourself? A new language?

It’s a great time to reflect on our lives, weed out the negative so we can come back from this leaving our old selves and living our new lives with more positivity.

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