Kerri’s Pizza Base Recipe

Kerri’s Pizza Base Recipe

2 ingredient pizza base recipe… makes 1 base

  • 1 Cup of Greek yoghurt
  • 1 1/2 cups of flour… plain or self-raising flour

Turn oven onto bake at 180deg c.

Mix the yoghurt and 1 cup of flour in a bowl with your hands (the kids love this part as its such a gooey texture and sticks to their fingers.

Once its combined add in a little more flour if you need it. Knead it well making sure the dough is no longer sticky.

Dump it out onto a floured surface and dust your rolling pin in flour too to stop the dough sticking to it.

Roll your dough out into a pizza shape and add your favourite toppings ( my Mr 6 always goes for the cheese pizza with pizza sauce where as Mr 8 is all about the Hawaiian style pizza and no pizza sauce!)

Such an easy quick recipe…can’t fail. And the kids love making it right up to putting it into the oven!

Let us know how you get on!

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