Benefits of Strength Training

Benefits of Strength Training

You Don’t Have To Be A Bodybuilder To Reap The Rewards of Strength Training!

Whether you’re a newbie in the Gym or a seasoned vet of the weight-training world, everyone can reap the rewards of strength training.

Here are just a few reasons why you should be “repping” the resistance training!


1 – It Makes You Stronger!
This might be obvious, but it’s still important and shouldn’t be disregarded. Strength isn’t just for inside the gym, it also means you stronger outside of it too! Picking up your child or grandchild, hanging the washing or opening that darn jar of pickled gherkins (why do they need to be so darn tight!), all require some form of strength. This is especially important as we are aging, which brings me to benefit #2.


2 – Push Back Sarcopenia!
Sarcopenia is the “age-related progressive loss of muscle mass and strength”. Naturally as you get older, you lose muscle mass which also means a loss of strength. You can help preserve or even increase your strength with the correct mode of training!


3 – More Muscle More Fat-loss!
The more lean muscle you have, the more energy you burn – even when you’re doing nothing at all! Muscle is metabolically a more active tissue, which means you burn more energy while working out but also at rest. Free fat loss!


4 – Endorphins!
Endorphins are chemicals/hormones produced in the body. Often called the “feel good” hormones due to their nature of putting you in a better mood, less stressed and generally a better state of mind. Exercising helps release these chemicals, so the more you train the better you feel mentally!


5 – Improve Your Brain!
Exercise has been proven to reduce mental illnesses such as depression, and reduces the symptoms of the illness too – so you feel better in the moment as well as actually improving the illness in the long run. Resistance training can also improve your brain power – things like mood, memory, cognitive clarity can all improve with a weight lifting program!


Whether you want to get strong for a competition or just want to be a healthy individual for life, everyone can gain something from a Resistance/Strength training program.


Fill out the form below to book a strength training program today!


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